Grades / Classes of RMC
- VPL Concrete Ltd has made the necessary investments to build capacity to be able to produce RMC at various strength grades/classes for different construction purposes. These are designed in accordance with local and international standards.
- Our very experienced laboratory technicians and engineers are able to design RMC to suit any grade of concrete for
special projects per concrete users’ specification.

Client orders RMC with specified strength class/grade (our engineers are available to advise on appropriate strength, depending on the use and/or project);
A Client Relations Officers and/or transit truck driver visit project site with client’s agent. The purpose of this step is to determine the distance and the best delivery route from our RMC plant to client’s project site;
Laboratory preparation of mixture, using ratios of admixture and other materials, to meet client’s strength class/grade requirement;
Laboratory preparation of mixture, using ratios of admixture and other materials, to meet client’s strength class/grade requirement;
Delivery of RMC to client’s project site